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Email Congress

Protect Our Care Colorado Healthcare Advocacy Emails


Directions: Take one of the emails below and send it to members of the Colorado Congressional Delegation. Links to contact members of Congress are below. Personalize the emails if you can.


ACA repeal/American Health Care Act Emails

Repeal email 1:


Dear ____,


My name is ____ and I live in ____, Colorado. I am emailing you to urge ____ (Insert Name) to oppose the repeal of the ACA and the proposed Republican Plan. This plan would create inequities in the health care system and dismantle our health care safety net, hurting hundreds of thousands of Coloradans. It would cover fewer people and make coverage less accessible and more costly. Please work to improve the ACA and stabilize the individual market. Real lives are at stake, and the replacement plan is irresponsible and harmful.






Repeal email 2:


Dear ____,


My name is ____ and I live in ____, Colorado. I am emailing you to urge ____ (Insert Name) to oppose the latest repeal plan that would undo the great progress Colorado has made under the ACA. More Coloradans than ever before have insurance coverage, and we shouldn't go backwards. This proposal does not ensure access to comprehensive, affordable health care for the people of Colorado. And, it will increase costs, destabilize the insurance markets, and gut our Medicaid program. Please oppose this attempt to repeal the ACA or any policy that weakens our coverage.






Repeal Personalized Email:


Dear ____,


My name is ____ and I live in ____, Colorado. I am emailing to urge ____ (Insert Name) to oppose the new repeal plan. I am opposed to the Republican healthcare plan because (Insert personal healthcare story: Do you, a family member or a friend get help paying for coverage because of the ACA tax credits or cost sharing reductions; do you have a preexisting condition; have you experienced a gap in coverage that you then overcame because of the ACA; are you an entrepreneur who was able to leave a job to start a new business; are you an older adult who was able to retire early; or have you personally experienced another benefit of the ACA? Tell your story here.) Congress must ensure Coloradans like me don’t lose health insurance, experience higher costs, or have their plans cancelled.







Protecting Medicaid Emails:


Medicaid email 1:



Dear ____,


My name is ____ and I live in ____, Colorado. I am writing to urge ____ (Insert Name) to not support per capita caps or block grants for Medicaid. Medicaid covers thousands low-income children, parents, seniors, and people with disabilities throughout Colorado. The new Republican proposal centers on drastically cutting federal Medicaid expenditures, which means higher costs for the state of Colorado – costs that the state can’t afford. These proposals would take away health care from hundreds of thousands of Coloradans. Please vote against any changes to Medicaid.







Medicaid email 2:



Dear ____,


My name is ____ and I live in ____, Colorado. I am emailing you to urge ____ (Insert Name) to vote against any changes to Medicaid. Medicaid provides long-term care to seniors, helps Coloradans with disabilities live independently, and enables thousands of children to see a doctor.  Plus, because of the Medicaid expansion, working Coloradans with low incomes have access to health insurance, something that they didn't have before. The expansion contributes $3 billion to Colorado's economy every year! Don’t vote to weaken Medicaid, lives depend on it.







Medicaid Personalized Email:



Dear ____,


My name is ____ and I live in ____, Colorado. I am emailing you to urge ____ (Insert Name) to oppose the proposed Medicaid changes in the American Health Care Act. I am opposed to any changes to Medicaid because (Insert personal Medicaid story. Do you, a family member, or a friend get coverage because of the Medicaid? Tell your story here.) Congress must protect Medicaid and the Medicaid expansion for Coloradans.





Colorado Congressional Delegation Email Links:


If you need to know who your representative is/which district you live in, click here (Senators represent the entire state).


Senator Gardner:

Representative Coffman:

Representative Tipton:

Representative Buck:

Representative Lamborn:


Senator Bennet:

Representative Perlmutter:

Representative DeGette:

Representative Polis:

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